
Angelica's Top 5 Reads of 2017

2017 has come and gone and 2018 is just around the corner!

Can you believe it? I hardly can. It's crazy how time flies but I notice the older I get, the faster time passes me by. This is especially true the closer I get to 30. Time really needs to slow down. I'm already past the hump and am in no rush to turn 30, but that's life for you. It passes you by in the blink of an eye.

This year wasn't perfect by any means but despite everything that happened, 2017 has been a good year for me. This year alone, I started this blog. I joined Twitter and learned how to actually use it. 😂 I started a Bookstagram account and met some amazing bookworms, who are all so kind and welcoming. If you're not already on Bookstagram, I highly recommend you join. It's AMAZING! I love it so much! 💖

 (One of my recent Bookstagram pictures. You can find me @angelicasbookhaven)

This year I also joined a ton of author groups on Facebook and I mean TONS! I never knew these groups even existed until I found Lex Martin's Wildcats through her author page. When I joined her group, I felt like I had found Narnia, because her group was unlike any group I had ever joined on Facebook. There are tons of bookworms like myself, giveaways and Lex Martin herself. When I posted my very first comment in the group and Lex Martin actually responded, I was over the moon and totally fangirling. 🙈 I never imagined in a hundred years that I would one day get to talk to the authors who write the books I love but thankfully Facebook has made that possible.

Through Lex Martin's group I discovered Kandi Steiner and Leslie McAdam and from their groups I found more and more authors and am now a member of so many groups I don't even know how many I'm in at this rate. I love it though because I have met so many wonderful people through these amazing groups and am thankful to now be able to call some of these people my book buddies. 😊

I also discovered tons of new authors this year and have had the pleasure of interacting with many of them, which really makes me thankful that social media exists. If it wasn't for Facebook and Instagram I probably never would have virtually met, much less interacted with all the authors I've talked to this year, so I am very grateful for everything social media has made possible for me.

Overall, 2017 has been a great year for me full of many firsts and new discoveries. It was not the best year by far, but I do have to say it had many positives that outweigh all the bad things that happened this year, and I have faith that 2018 will be even better.

I truly hope that you all had a wonderful year and hope 2018 brings you all nothing but amazing things. 💖 

Now, let's talk books! That's why we are here after all, right? 😉   

I've read 29 books this year and am in the middle of finishing my 30th book right now. In case you are wondering what it is, I am currently reading Stuck-Up Suit by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward. There's a high chance this book will be the last book I read this year, because I'm not so sure I'll be able to squeeze in one last book before the year is up. If it is, I am happy with my last read of the year, because you can never go wrong with anything Keeland and Ward write. I am a big fan of theirs and love reading their work, so I'm definitely happy with my choice whether it is my last or second to last book of the year. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what time permits.

I went through the list of books I read this year and I have to admit it was not easy choosing just 5 books, because I read a lot of amazing books this year, but after a lot of contemplating I narrowed down my list and managed to choose my Top 5 reads of 2017, which I highly recommend everyone reads at least once. If not more. 😉

Without further ado, here are my Top 5 reads of the year in alphabetical order.

All About the D
Lex Martin & Leslie McAdam

I'm a sucker for a good romance novel and All About the D delivered not just on the romance aspect but also on the Scoville scale because it was hot AF. *Fans myself thinking about Josh* Josh is the man of many women's dreams, myself included, but move over ladies because he is mine. I love, Love, LOVE Josh and Evie too of course! I couldn't not love her. As much as I wish he was mine, Josh and Evie were perfect for each other and I loved everything about them. They made me laugh until I teared up, and they made me smile like a dork more times than I can count. I loved them wholeheartedly and have to say that All About the D is without a doubt one of my favorite rom-com's not just this year but EVER.

Bad Habit
Charleigh Rose

Bad Habit is a novel that intrigued me from the moment Asher Kelley climbed through Briar Vale's brother's window. Just that moment alone hooked me and made me never want to let him go. *Gives Asher my heart* I absolutely loved Bad Habit from beginning to end. The tension was HOT and the steamy moments were palpable. *Gah!* It was perfect in every way and I cannot rave enough about Asher Kelley. He is as hot as book boyfriends come and I want him to be mine, all mine. Sorry, not sorry, Briar. 😜 Seriously, if you have not read Bad Habit yet, you need to read it ASAP! When you do, you are going to be mad at yourself for not reading it sooner. I sure was and am now suffering from a bad book hangover. #NoRegrets

Kathryn Nolan

It's very rare to stumble upon an author who leaves you breathless, but Kathryn Nolan didn't just leave me breathless when I read Bohemian, she swept me off my feet, stole my heart and never gave it back.

Nolan has a way with words that I can't get enough of. She makes it so easy to visualize everything, it's like she's painting an image in your head with every word she writes. It's beautiful really and something I want to experience more of. I can't wait to see what other stories her brilliant mind comes up with. No matter what she writes, I know it will be amazing.

Ella Fields

Just thinking about Cyanide makes me sigh, in a good way of course. 😉  Cyanide was the first book I read by Ella Fields and I did not want it to end. If I could have a whole series on Jared and Vera, I totally would, because I loved everything about their story. I especially love how they both came from very different worlds and backgrounds, which was really hard on them because it was literally them against the world. They made it work though because their love for one another surpassed all their differences, and they proved not only to them but to everyone, that love really does conquer all. *Swoons* Their love for one another may not have been perfect but they are perfect for each other.

The Unrequited
Saffron A. Kent

I'm a sucker for taboo novels but The Unrequited took it further than any student/teacher romance novel I have ever read. I like that it pushed me out of my comfort zone though, because it forced me to see that there are different kinds of love out there. Thomas and Layla's bordered on obsessive and was also a teensy bit crazy, but I totally fell for them and what they shared, because even though their love story isn't your average love story, it suits them perfectly because they are the right kind of crazy for each other.

That's it! I hope you enjoyed reading about my Top 5 reads of 2017. Next I will be creating a list of the top 5 books I discovered in 2017 that are oldies but goodies, so stay tuned for that. 😉

What were your Top 5 or 10 books of the year? 
Did you discover any new authors or books?
Let me know in the comments below! 💖

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